God bless♥Aneirys
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
China China Olympic Circus
Las semana pasada fui al China China Olympic Circus, y estuvo brutal. Estaba bien emocionada porque a mi me encantan los circos. Me gusto la presicion, la flexibilidad y la creatividad de los acrobatas. Aqui les dejo algunas fotos de este fantastico circo.
Last week I went to China China Olympic Circus, and was awesome. I was really excited because I love the circus. I like the precision, flexibility and creativity of those acrobats. Here are some pictures of this fantastic circus.
Last week I went to China China Olympic Circus, and was awesome. I was really excited because I love the circus. I like the precision, flexibility and creativity of those acrobats. Here are some pictures of this fantastic circus.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Here we go again
Me gusta mostrar un poco de mi personalidad con mi vestimenta. Usar colores brillantes para mostrar que soy una persona alegre. Ponerme piezas con patrones revoltosos para mostrar mi lado loco. Pero tambien usar piezas con texturas fuertes como el abrigo de cuero, que muestran que no me gusta exponer mi lado vulnerable.
Se que este outfit tiene muchas texturas distintas, pero yo los animo a que no tengan miedo a intentar de mezclar estilos distintos. Muestren cómo son, sean diferentes.
I like to show a bit of my personality with my outfits. Use bright colors to show that I am a happy person. Wear pieces with unruly patterns to show my crazy side. But also use heavy-textured pieces like leather coat, showing that I do not like to expose my vulnerable side.
I know that this outfit has many different textures, but I encourage you to not be afraid to try to mix different styles. Show how you are, be different.
Tank/Camisa: Rainbow
Jeans: Forever 21
Jacket: By Guess
Jeans: Forever 21
Jacket: By Guess
Defend yourself against what every one wants you to look like, or what ever box they think you should fit into. Your confidence is the shield, your self awareness is the sword to penetrate the “walking mannequins.” -Bevin Elias Motivational Stylist
God bless♥Aneirys
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The fashion stylist project: Look 3
Hoy terminamos con el Fashion Stylist Project, y que mejor forma de cerrar que con estilos mas sofisticados:
Today we finished with the Fashion Stylist Project, and what better way to close than with a more sophisticated styles:
¿Sabian que el rojo es uno de los mejores colores para llamar la atención? Nos solo llama la atencion pero tiende a brindar un tono mas sofisticado a casi todo tipo de outfit. La tela tipo encaje, que por cierto estara muy a la moda esta primavera, tambien suele a brindar mas elegancia a cualquier tipo de traje, como el que tiene puesto Wilnerys. En Sully tenemos una falda de venda que le queda bien a todo tipo de cuerpo y su camisa con ruffles hace que el outfit se vea sofisticado pero a la misma vez sexy, pues hace que la parte superior reciba casi toda la atención.
Did you know that the color red is one of the best colors to attract attention? It doesn't only attracts attention but it tends to provide a more sophisticated tone to almost any outfit. Lace fabrics, which certainly will be a must have this spring, also tends to offer more elegance to any outfit, as the one Wilnerys is wearing. Sully is wearing a bandage skirt that looks good in all body types and her ruffles top makes the outfit look sophisticated but sexy at the same time, because it attracts almost all the attention to the top part of her body.
Asi que si quieren crear outfit mas sofisticados busque prendas con estas caracteristicas:
So if you want to create more sophisticated looks, looks for garments with these features:
Y si quieren algo sofisticado pero a la misma vez sexy utilizen:
And if you want something sophisticated but sexy at the same time use:
Sully: twitter
Camisa/Top: Forever 21
Cardigan: Wet Seal
Falda/Skirt: Forever 21
Wilnerys: facebook
Traje/Dress: Forever 21
Cardigan: Forever 21
Cadena/Necklace: Hecha por mi/Made by me
Voten por este look en Chictopia
Vote for this look at Chictopia
Hoy terminamos con el Fashion Stylist Project, y que mejor forma de cerrar que con estilos mas sofisticados:
Today we finished with the Fashion Stylist Project, and what better way to close than with a more sophisticated styles:
¿Sabian que el rojo es uno de los mejores colores para llamar la atención? Nos solo llama la atencion pero tiende a brindar un tono mas sofisticado a casi todo tipo de outfit. La tela tipo encaje, que por cierto estara muy a la moda esta primavera, tambien suele a brindar mas elegancia a cualquier tipo de traje, como el que tiene puesto Wilnerys. En Sully tenemos una falda de venda que le queda bien a todo tipo de cuerpo y su camisa con ruffles hace que el outfit se vea sofisticado pero a la misma vez sexy, pues hace que la parte superior reciba casi toda la atención.
Did you know that the color red is one of the best colors to attract attention? It doesn't only attracts attention but it tends to provide a more sophisticated tone to almost any outfit. Lace fabrics, which certainly will be a must have this spring, also tends to offer more elegance to any outfit, as the one Wilnerys is wearing. Sully is wearing a bandage skirt that looks good in all body types and her ruffles top makes the outfit look sophisticated but sexy at the same time, because it attracts almost all the attention to the top part of her body.
Asi que si quieren crear outfit mas sofisticados busque prendas con estas caracteristicas:
- ruffles
- encaje
- colores rojos
So if you want to create more sophisticated looks, looks for garments with these features:
- ruffles
- Lace
- reds
Y si quieren algo sofisticado pero a la misma vez sexy utilizen:
- faldas de vendas
- ruffles en los tops
And if you want something sophisticated but sexy at the same time use:
- bandage skirts
- ruffles on tops
Sully: twitter
Camisa/Top: Forever 21
Cardigan: Wet Seal
Falda/Skirt: Forever 21
Wilnerys: facebook
Traje/Dress: Forever 21
Cardigan: Forever 21
Cadena/Necklace: Hecha por mi/Made by me
Voten por este look en Chictopia
Vote for this look at Chictopia
God bless♥Neiry
Monday, March 14, 2011
The fashion stylist project: Look 2
Hoy tenemos la segunda parte del Fashion Stylist Project, y esta ves veran el look de dos de mis mejores amigas.
En esta parte tenemos el look de fiesta. Si les gusta el look roquero de Wilnerys, lo pueden alcanzar con piezas que contengan studs, como pueden ver en el traje que lleva puesto. Pero si les gusta salir con un look mas chic, lo pueden alcanzar usando piezas con colores mas llamativos, como la falda azul, en lugares de tu cuerpo que te gustaria resaltar.
In this part we have the party look. If you like Wilnerys rocker look, it can be achieved with pieces that contain studs, as you can see in the dress she's wearing. But if you like going out with a more chic look, it can be achieved by using more brightly colored pieces, like the blue skirt, in places of your body that you would like to highlight.
En Wilnerys/On Wilnerys:
Traje/Dress: Forever 21
Cardigan: Forever 21
Necklace: Aldo
En Sully/ On Sully:
Camisa/Top: Forever21
Falda/Skirt: Forever 21
Pantallas y Pulsera: Hechas por mi
Earrings and Bracelet: Made by me
Voten por este look en Chictopia
Vote for this look at Chictopia
God bless♥Neiry
Hoy tenemos la segunda parte del Fashion Stylist Project, y esta ves veran el look de dos de mis mejores amigas.
Today we have the second part of the Fashion Stylist Project, and this time you guys will see the look of two of my best friends.
Today we have the second part of the Fashion Stylist Project, and this time you guys will see the look of two of my best friends.
En esta parte tenemos el look de fiesta. Si les gusta el look roquero de Wilnerys, lo pueden alcanzar con piezas que contengan studs, como pueden ver en el traje que lleva puesto. Pero si les gusta salir con un look mas chic, lo pueden alcanzar usando piezas con colores mas llamativos, como la falda azul, en lugares de tu cuerpo que te gustaria resaltar.
In this part we have the party look. If you like Wilnerys rocker look, it can be achieved with pieces that contain studs, as you can see in the dress she's wearing. But if you like going out with a more chic look, it can be achieved by using more brightly colored pieces, like the blue skirt, in places of your body that you would like to highlight.
En Wilnerys/On Wilnerys:
Traje/Dress: Forever 21
Cardigan: Forever 21
Necklace: Aldo
En Sully/ On Sully:
Camisa/Top: Forever21
Falda/Skirt: Forever 21
Pantallas y Pulsera: Hechas por mi
Earrings and Bracelet: Made by me
Voten por este look en Chictopia
Vote for this look at Chictopia
God bless♥Neiry
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The fashion stylist project: Look 1
Hoy comenzare con un nuevo proyecto que estaba loca por mostrarles. Pues todo comenzó una vez que sali con una de mis amigas y ella me dijo que le gustaba ir de compras conmigo porque yo le escojia piezas que ella nunca las hubiera elegido si estuviera sola. Y tuve la idea de ir un dia de compras con ella y con otra amiga más, con el fin de elegirles 3 looks distintos a lo que normalmente ellas se pondrian y yo los iba a mostrar en mi blog para ayudar a esas personas con el mismo tipo de cuerpo que ellas. Asi que aqui les dejo con el primer look de este proyecto.
Today I'll start with a new project that I am so excited to show you guys. Well it all started when I went out with one of my friends and she said, she liked to go shopping with me because I chose pieces that she never would have chosen for her if she was alone. And I had the idea of going shopping with her and with another friend, to choose 3 looks different from what they normally would have wear and I was going to show those looks in here to help those who have the same body type as them. So here I share with you guys the first look of this project.
Primero le elegi un look casual para la universidad. Me gusto la combinacion de la tshirt con la falda y el vest, pues la falda y el vest hacen que el look se vea mas chic pero a la misma vez casual para ir a la universidad o para dar un paseo con las amistades.
First I pick a casual look for college. I liked the combination of the shirt with skirt and vest, as the skirt and vest make this look, look more chic but casual at the same time, it is perfect for college or for going to a walk with friends.
Don't forget to fav this at chictopia.
God bless♥Neiry
Hoy comenzare con un nuevo proyecto que estaba loca por mostrarles. Pues todo comenzó una vez que sali con una de mis amigas y ella me dijo que le gustaba ir de compras conmigo porque yo le escojia piezas que ella nunca las hubiera elegido si estuviera sola. Y tuve la idea de ir un dia de compras con ella y con otra amiga más, con el fin de elegirles 3 looks distintos a lo que normalmente ellas se pondrian y yo los iba a mostrar en mi blog para ayudar a esas personas con el mismo tipo de cuerpo que ellas. Asi que aqui les dejo con el primer look de este proyecto.
HeyToday I'll start with a new project that I am so excited to show you guys. Well it all started when I went out with one of my friends and she said, she liked to go shopping with me because I chose pieces that she never would have chosen for her if she was alone. And I had the idea of going shopping with her and with another friend, to choose 3 looks different from what they normally would have wear and I was going to show those looks in here to help those who have the same body type as them. So here I share with you guys the first look of this project.
Primero le elegi un look casual para la universidad. Me gusto la combinacion de la tshirt con la falda y el vest, pues la falda y el vest hacen que el look se vea mas chic pero a la misma vez casual para ir a la universidad o para dar un paseo con las amistades.
First I pick a casual look for college. I liked the combination of the shirt with skirt and vest, as the skirt and vest make this look, look more chic but casual at the same time, it is perfect for college or for going to a walk with friends.
Don't forget to fav this at chictopia.
God bless♥Neiry
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I won't go home without you
El mes pasado fui a el concierto de Maroon 5, (sip ellos viniero a Puerto Rico) y este fue mi outfit de ese día. Queria ponerme un outfit que fuero medio roquerito, algo distinto a lo que usualmente uso, pero me encanto y pues creo que no sera la ultima vez que use piezas roqueras.
Dress: Wet Seal
Jacket: By Guess
Tights: Claire's
Dress: Wet Seal
Jacket: By Guess
Tights: Claire's
Last month I went to see Maroon 5 in concert, (yep, they came to Puerto Rico) y this was my outfit of that day. I wanted to wear an outfit that was a little rockerish, something totally different from what I normally wear, but I love it and I think that this will not be the last time that I will wear rocker pieces.
Sully & Wilnerys.
Definitivamente si quieren ir a un concierto con personas que sepan pasarla bien, busquenlas a ellas. Son mis mejores amigas y las adoro.
If you guys want to have a great time at any concert, definitely go with them. They are my best friend and I adore them.
Mis uñas hechas por mi amiga Wilne, ella es toda una profesional y nunca ha cogido clases de uñas asi que su talento es natural. Y mi bella sortija de Forever 21, cuando la vi me enamore locamente y no pude dejarla.
Mi nails were made by my friend Wilnerys, she is so professional but she has never taken any nail classes, her talent is self taught. And my beautiful ring is from forever 21, when I saw it I fell in madly in love and I could not leave it.
Y por ultimo a Maroon 5. Y chicas no lo miren mucho, pues mi amiga Sully dice que el es su novio lol.
And finally we have Maroon 5. And girls do not look at him too much, since my friend Sully says that he is her boyfriend lol.
Ahora yo quiero saber cual ha sido su concierto favorito y por que?
Now I wanna know which has been your favorite concert of all time and why?
God bless♥Neiry
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Its been too long
Un mes ha pasado desde la ultima vez que actualize mi blog. Pero ahora tengo internet y tambien pengo muchas sorpresas para ustedes este año. Asi que esten bien pendientes de lo que viene, y ahora las dejo con el Look del día.
A month has passed since the last time I updated my blog. But now I have internet and I have many surprises for you guys this year. I now leave you guys with the Look of the Day
A month has passed since the last time I updated my blog. But now I have internet and I have many surprises for you guys this year. I now leave you guys with the Look of the Day
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