El mes pasado fui a el concierto de Maroon 5, (sip ellos viniero a Puerto Rico) y este fue mi outfit de ese día. Queria ponerme un outfit que fuero medio roquerito, algo distinto a lo que usualmente uso, pero me encanto y pues creo que no sera la ultima vez que use piezas roqueras.
Dress: Wet Seal
Jacket: By Guess
Tights: Claire's
Last month I went to see Maroon 5 in concert, (yep, they came to Puerto Rico) y this was my outfit of that day. I wanted to wear an outfit that was a little rockerish, something totally different from what I normally wear, but I love it and I think that this will not be the last time that I will wear rocker pieces.
Sully & Wilnerys.Definitivamente si quieren ir a un concierto con personas que sepan pasarla bien, busquenlas a ellas. Son mis mejores amigas y las adoro.
If you guys want to have a great time at any concert, definitely go with them. They are my best friend and I adore them.

Mis uñas hechas por mi amiga Wilne, ella es toda una profesional y nunca ha cogido clases de uñas asi que su talento es natural. Y mi bella sortija de Forever 21, cuando la vi me enamore locamente y no pude dejarla.
Mi nails were made by my friend Wilnerys, she is so professional but she has never taken any nail classes, her talent is self taught. And my beautiful ring is from forever 21,
when I saw it I fell in madly in love and I could not leave it.
Y por ultimo a Maroon 5. Y chicas no lo miren mucho, pues mi amiga Sully dice que el es su novio lol.
And finally we have Maroon 5. And girls do not look at him too much, since my friend Sully says that he is her boyfriend lol.Ahora yo quiero saber cual ha sido su concierto favorito y por que?
Now I wanna know which has been your favorite concert of all time and why?
God bless♥Neiry