Dress: Forever 21
Shoes: Qupid
Ring: Forever 21
Shoes: Qupid
Ring: Forever 21
Anoche fui a una iglesia a ver una obra navideña. Cuando fue a comenzar la obra, la tierra se empezo a mover y todo el mundo penso que era parte de la obra. Pero la realidad fue que ocurrio un terremoto, de 3 segundos. Todos nos quedamos asustados y como las luces se fueron, nos fuimos. Fuimos a una casa grandisima que todos los años la adornan con muchas luces. Y se ve bellisisma. Luego me fui para mi casa a dormir porque estaba muy cansada.
Bueno mas tarde o mañana pondre las fotos de navidad.
Last night I went to church to see a Christmas play. When the play was about to begin, the floor began to shake and everybody thought it was part of the play. But the reality was that an 3 second earthquake occurred. We were all scared and as the lights went out, we left. We went to a very large house that every year is adorned with lots of lights. And it looks beautiful. Then I went home to sleep because I was really tired.
Well later on or maybe tomorrow I will put the Christmas photos.
that dress looks beautiful x
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