Sunday, December 12, 2010

I get lost in the beauty of everything I see

Meet Luna, the new member of the family.





Esta semana estuve viendo la pelicula “The Expendables” y hoy tuve el sueño mas raro de mi vida. Soñe que habia un muchacho que me queria destruir y estaba creado un army de personas que se encontraba por la calle para que lucharan contra mi. Y yo tambien decidi hacer lo mismo y comenze a elegir gente random que veia por ahi. Y como yo era la lider podia volar y le di el poder de volar a dos personas para que me estuvieran protegiendo. Al final comenzamos a luchar y mi grupo gano. Ibamos a luchar otra vez pero en ese mismo momento me levante :( . Si lo sé, super random.

Bueno estas fotos son del look del dia de ayer que fui de christmas shopping con mi mama. A mi me encanta ir a comprar regalos, me hace sentir bien. Y el perro es la bebe de mi hermano, su nombre es Luna, no se estaba quieta asi que no pude tirarle una decente foto.


I saw the movie “The Expendables” this weekend and I just had the weirdess dream ever. I dreamed that there was this guy who wanted to destroy me and he was creating an army of random people, to fight against me. And I decided to do the same and started choosing random people to create an army too. And because I was the leader I could fly and I decided to give the power of flying to two people so they could protect me . At the end we started to fight and my group won. We were going to fight again but at that moment I woke up : (. Yeah I know it was super random.

These photos are from yesterday's look of the day, i went christmas shopping with my mom. I love shopping for gifts, it makes me feel good. And that dog is my brothers baby, her name is Luna. She couldn't stay steady so I want able to take a decent photo of her.

Love, neiry♥


  1. Lol, at your dream! Dreams are so weird, aren't they?

    Luna is adorable!

  2. lol I know mega weird!!
    and yeah she is an angel I love her :)


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